La Gerbelle

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Vin blanc léger et frais avec des arômes minéraux et floraux très typiques de la Jaquère. Servir de 8 à 10° pour un apéritif ou sur des plats savoyards tels que la fondue ou la raclette.

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Ce vin a des arômes légers d'aubépine et de noisette qui le rendent très agréable. Ce vin se déguste très bien à l'apéritif, sur une entrée, un poisson grillé, ou des asperges.

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Un nez attrayant, du à la Jacquère, avec une bouche longue et de bonne tenue grâce au Chardonnay. Servir à environ 10 à 12 degrés en accompagnement poissons, ou entrée.

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Ce vin a une jolie couleur jaune aux reflets verts et un nez aux arômes d'agrumes, de fruits jaunes mûrs et de fleurs blanches. Il a une belle bouche interessante due à la maturité des vendanges.

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Ce vin très fruité de type pêche-abricot suivi de notes de figue et de coing. Ce vin s'accommode très bien sur un poisson et après quelques années, il accompagne à merveille un foie gras.

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A base de Gamay et Mondeuse, ce vin léger et fruité, aux arômes de fraise. Servir frais de 8 à 10° en accompagnant des charcuteries et se consomme très bien l'été sur des viandes grillées.

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Vin assez léger malgré des tanins bien présents pour un Gamay et des arômes de fruits rouges. Servir à 15° en accompagnement de plat de charcuterie, de viandes grillées ou fromages légers.

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Vin léger, original, facile à boire, aromatique. Au nez, ce dernier « pinotte » bien. Servir à environ 15 degrés en accompagnement de plats de charcuterie, de viandes grillées.

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Vin d'une couleur rouge pourpre ayant des tanins fondus mais bien présents ainsi que de très jolis arômes de fruits noirs du type cassis, myrtille et mûre. Convient aux viandes rouges et aux gibiers.

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Vin avec un bulle très fine et donc peu agressif ayant des arômes de coing. Servir au sortir du réfrigérateur à l'apéritif seul ou avec une crème de mûres ou de myrtilles, ou sur un dessert.

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Vin avec un bulle très fine et donc peu agressif ayant des arômes de coing. Servir au sortir du réfrigérateur à l'apéritif seul ou avec une crème de mûres ou de myrtilles, ou sur un dessert.

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Pasteurisation le lendemain du pressurage, après un débourbage d'une nuit. Ce produit est ni filtré, ni collé, d'où un léger trouble. Se garde 4 à 5 ans avant ouverture puis 3 à 4 jours au frais.

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The Estate currently counts 17 hectares, around 750-800 hl depending upon the vintage, worked by two the brothers André and Guy Quenard and two permanent employees. The vines of the Estate are divided over two communities :

- CHIGNIN for 85% of the surface area.
- SAINT JEOIRE PRIEURE for the remaining 15%.

The Grapes :

In white you’ll find the principal Savoyard varieties, including Jacquère, Bergeron (Roussanne) and Chardonnay, and in red Mondeuse, Gamay and Pinot Noir. Recently we have replanted a very old Savoyard variety called Persan.

Sales :

The entire harvest is bottled at the Estate and sold directly via different circuits which were restructured in 2011 :

- Stores in ski resorts & Direct, cellar door sales
- Restaurants in the Rhône-Alpes region, in partnership with the Cafés Richard
- Supermarkets, in partnership with the Vacher, “Les Vignerons Savoyards” company.
- An export agent: presence in Norway, USA and Belgium

Présentation de l'exploitation

Organic Agriculture

The culture of our vines follows the strict specifications of organic agriculture, which is to say that all synthetic chemical products are prohibited.

The vines are treated with natural products such as algae, mineral elements and, only if needed, with a complement of copper sulfate.

We strive to stimulate the natural defenses of the plant. The maintenance of the soil is done by a combination of grass between the rows and tilling.

We try to operate in complete integration with the environment. Today we are working on the water cycle by collecting and treating or ownwastewater so that we may recycle and reuse it for vines treatments and washing of our equipment installations.

The only two modes of agriculture that truly respect the environment are organic and biodynamic.

Culture Biologique


We employ the same ethic in the cellar as we do in the vines, which is to say that we restrict to a bare minimum all additives.
We perform the malolactic fermentation which stabilizes the wines and thus allows us to reduce the amount of sulfur. We do not use enzymes or synthetic yeasts. We only very rarely filter our red wines.

Whites : Traditional vinification with temperature control (17°C) which allows to conserve notably the beading of the Jacquères, followed by malolactic fermentation which softens considerably the wines.

Rosé : These wines are made from bleeding a blend of 60% Gamay and 40% Mondeuse, which is then vinified at controlled temperatures (17°C).

Red : Traditional vinification with vatting times adapted to the grape varieties and vintages

We limit ourselves to the use of only two products which are :

Organic sugar, only for the grapes that truly need it, notably the Mondeuse so as to have appropriate alcohol levels in certain vintages. We do not however try to boost alcohol levels but simply to create harmonious wines, pleasant and easy to drink.
A tiny bit of sulfur for conservation purposes. Since the wines have two, spontaneous fermentations, the alcoholic following by the malolactic, they become relatively stable on their own, even microbiologically.

We keep the wines on their lees until bottling, which gives them harmony and which keeps the wines fresh, even when bottled late, and which avoids us from having to add sulfur because the wines simply do not need outside aggression. Certain cuvees are bottled sans filtration so as to best preserve the intrinsic quality of the grapes.

Wastewater management

We try to have globally integrated approach with our environment. We have thus installed a system of recuperation and treatment of our wastewaters so that we might recycle and reuse them for various purposes. .

This is done via the circulation of the waters through a gravel filtering system, which we have tried integrated into our installations so as to not create a visual non sonority nuisance. In the first year of use this station allowed us to economize half of the Estate’s water bill, as well as not having to pay pollution tax nor sanitation taxes.

Traitement des eaux usées



Every Adresses, Phone Numbers...

Le Villard 73800 CHIGNIN
04 79 28 12 04
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